Tuesday 12 April 2011

30 Day Cleanse Complete!

Yes, we have completed the IsAgenix 30 Day cleanse and we feel great!  Not kidding.....the energy levels have increased and we look good!!  If you could see me now I am snappin' my fingers!
The last Cleanse Day on Day 28 came and went without any problems.  I breezed through my day and found it quite easy....maybe because I knew I was so close. 
We are continuing with the IsAgenix product and following the maintenance program.  We have our shakes in the morning and watch what we eat during the day.  For Jeff, the biggest difference has been he now knows what foods he should and shouldn't be eating and is conscious of how much he puts in his mouth.  Now that he has gone from a size 38 to a size 34 and running 10km every other day - he definitely does not want to slip back.  For myself, I want to do more toning and will be incorporating more yoga into my days!  Might even get Jeff doing yoga!
In May - I am organizing a group of  ladies to do a 9 Day Cleanse.  I will do the cleanse as well and assist thru the first cleanse day!  I will be the "IsAgenix Guru" through the 9 days and offer support at any time.  Contact me if you want to be a part of an amazing transformation!
IsAgenix is a remarkable product and looking forward to trying more of the product line.  We have already incorporated the "IsAgenix Greens" into our shakes. 
As the warmer weather approaches we will be using the "Isa SunGuard" with a SPF of 30 to protect our skin from sunburn and premature aging! 
Check out these products and more at http://www.cleanliving2day.isagenix.com/

Sunday 3 April 2011

Day 26

Sooo, fast forward as I have been delinquent at getting to the blog, but the cleanse we have been doing faithfully!
Our third cleanse day was Day 21 and I made it through with no problems.  I kept myself very busy - my house was very clean!  Being Spring Break, I also had to cook all meals for my children along with their friends.  While I was standing at the BBQ grilling the burgers - I thought I would be tempted to want one.  I wasn't!  I could see the end in sight and didn't want to spoil it at this point.  I checked the snack list - grabbed my stock of celery and happily munched it down!
We are now approaching our last cleanse day on Day 28.  No problem - breeze through it!
Jeff is at his goal weight after losing the last 10lbs using IsAgenix.  He is ready to run the 10km marathon on May 1st.  People are amazed at how good he looks and he is amazed with his jean size!!  I have only lost 3lbs, but this is the best part of IsAgenix - you only lose what you need.  What I did gain was nutrition.  My skin, hair and nails have never looked better and my energy levels have increased. 
Looking back it took both Jeff and I the full two weeks to notice a difference in how we felt - what does that mean!?  Our bodies were in serious need of a cleanse and replenishment of nutrients.
If we step aside, give our bodies a break from the toxins in our environment and food, our bodies will heal themselves.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Day 11 - Shakes & Groceries

I am loving the routine of Isagenix!  It has made two of the meals out of the day very easy.  Isagenix is a meal replacement so this has changed how I shop for groceries.  Our daughters still eat 3 meals per day plus snacks, but since they are 10 this isn't as much food as when all of us eat a meal!
I was always very careful about what foods I buy and now that Jeff is more aware of his eating habits, my grocery shopping has really changed - for the better!  I try to buy organic or local whenever possible and have lots of fruits and veggies in the house.  The biggest change has come from not having to purchase as much food as I am only making one big meal per day.  I was also buying all the protein powders, frozen fruit, omega 3, 6, & 9 oils and anything else to throw into a smoothie - now all of this is combined in the formulation for the Isalean Shakes.  One container of Isalean has everything in it we need!
At the end of our 30 days, we are planning to stay on Isagenix as a maintenance program.  Again this will mean one meal of the day will be a shake.  For Jeff this will be the morning - for me it will be lunch as I am going to have my breakfast - the most favourite meal of the day!

Day 10 - Shakes, shakes, shakes!

The term "cleansing" has taken on a whole new meaning as we progress through the second week.  Isagenix is such a gentle cleanse, with room for flexibility and we are seeing remarkable results already.  Not just how we look physically, but how we feel inside.
There has been a noticeable improvement in my digestion since starting this 30 day cleanse.  The bloating and upset stomach I would feel when I would eat just about anything is gone.  The sluggish digestion eliminated!  I am feeling soooo much better.  My skin has improved as well as my hair and the dark circles under my eyes have all but diminished.  I am a whole new me!  Jeff is feeling the same - his digestion has improved and his eyes are not these puffy slits anymore!  He has slowed down his coffee intake considerably and moved onto hot lemon water or just water.
As for the exercise, I am just making my minimum of 20 minutes per day.  Jeff on the other hand is surpassing this and feeling good.  There are a few aches and pains, but nothing like he used to have and his energy levels have increased.  I am hoping to catch up to him!

Thursday 17 March 2011

Day 9 - Shakes!

I love my shakes!  It is so fast to whip up with the blender and be on my way - very versatile, easy to take anywhere.  Jeff has a system where he whips up a shake in the morning and then takes the ingredients he needs for a second shake during the day plus his snacks.  This is keeping him from indulging in the donuts around the office.  If he is required to have a lunch meeting - he is very mindful of what he is eating and then he has a shake for supper.  Tonight he ran his first 10km! 
The girls and I walked all over Victoria today and I felt great.  I had lunch downtown with the girls and my second shake for supper.  Although, I ordered carefully - when all of our food arrived, I wanted to dive into everything!  For whatever reason - it felt like I wasn't going to see food again!  I normally do not eat hamburgers and Kendalle's burger looked amazing - Madison's halibut and fries to die for and my salad with prawns was absolutley delicious.  I can't explain it, but I wanted it all!!!  So I compromised......this way I did not break the rules.  I ate my salad and prawns and had one bite of halibut.  All I needed was a taste and I knew I didn't want to eat all of it.  As soon as the beer battered halibut hit my mouth and I could taste the heaviness of the deep fried - that was all it took!  No need to indulge any further.  I knew the halibut cooked this way was not the right thing to eat and allowing myself a bite was enough to recoginize this.  I came home from our day in Victoria, whipped up a shake and was back on track.
Allowing myself this "temptation in moderation" was just enough to keep me focussed.  In the end, I knew what to do and followed through with the plan - the Isagenix 30 day cleanse!  I believe allowing ourselves some freedom and recoginizing what we are doing will give us strength to complete our goals.
So - TTYT on Day 10!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Day 8 - Back to shakes

The day after "cleanse" day and I was so happy to make a shake this morning.  I went for strictly chocolate and it tasted so good!  Both of us were happy for shakes again.  I have to say though - both of us are feeling good - we have energy, not fatigued, and more satisified.  For me, I am not missing the big meals of before - breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I also find that I can not eat as much for my meal.  I am just not hungry.  I do have cravings and my love of breakfast is the one thing I miss.  So as I have said before, I will just have to juggle my shakes around so I can still enjoy it!
Jeff on the other hand would love to have more than he is supposed.  His love of food goes beyond the one meal a day.  The goal he has set for himself - to run in the Times Colonist 10km Run in Victoria - keeps him motivated plus he is looking way healthier than he did.  Tonight he did indulge in a second burger,  but is running right now as I type this.  Jeff's health was reaching a point where it was time to make a change.  He started making the change and was losing weight - now with Isagenix he has lost a few more lbs towards his goal weight, but is also giving his body the cleanse it needs.  Not only does he look different - "no more wishes on the budha belly" - but he feels different.  He is now owning his health.
So, good night and we will talk to you tomorrow!

Day 7 - "Cleanse" Day

I am a day late posting this, but I wanted to make sure I had a good feel for how yesterday went!  Sometimes it takes time to process.....especially when your day required you to have no solid food!
We started our day with the "Cleanse for Life" drink - no shakes, no food - actually it wasn't half bad.  The flavour was great and I was OK with not having food....to start.  Jeff on the other hand was starving and really wanted his shake - I stopped him as he was pulling the blender out of cupboard and pointed to the chart.  It was clear that this was not what he wanted to know!  Reluctantly he put the blender away and mixed up a glass of "Cleanse for Life", drank it and headed to work.  Armed with a water bottle and a few IsaSnacks and our "Cleanse for Life" drink - we carried on with our day.
Now we are not going to lie to you - we were HUNGRY!  By 3:00 - 4:00pm, the moods were changing - it didn't seem to matter that we were following the guidelines - our daughter's meals were looking way better!  Our sponsor had told us, one trick to getting through this day was to stay busy.  Jeff was at work so this easy for him.  With the girls on Spring Break and requiring meals - my day was a little harder.  I did it though - the competitive streak in me was not going to have Jeff succeed at Cleanse day while I failed by "cheating".  So stubborn me stuck to the guidelines. 
As the girls were having their bedtime snack - both of us looked longingly at their toast and jam just wanting one little bite.  I checked our chart and saw that we could have 6 almonds - so 6 almonds it was.  I ate mine very carefully, savouring each one where as Jeff tossed them all in his mouth and munched them down.  I have to say though, the 6 almonds did the trick.  It was just enough to take the edge off as we watched the girls finish their snack!
With our first of 4 cleanse days behind us - we now know what to expect.  It really wasn't as difficult as we thought it would be.  We will check in again on our second cleanse day and see how it goes!